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M. Sergeeva. A guide to the flora of the Mediterranean.


Full-color richly illustrated edition (atlas-determinant)
More and more residents of Russia are vacationing on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea — in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. During the trip, they meet with an unusually rich and colorful local flora.
Biologically accurate images made from nature with watercolor paints by the famous Russian illustrator Maria Sergeeva will help tourists identify plants growing near the hotel, in the mountains and on the coast.
The publication is intended for tourists, guides, guides, naturalists, botanists and anyone interested in the flora of the Mediterranean.
Maria Nikolaevna Sergeeva is a graduate of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute, author and illustrator of numerous publications about nature for children and adults. She devoted more than 50 years of her life to this topic.
Her drawings have found their rightful place in the Red Books of Russia, Moscow and Tyumen regions, in school biology textbooks, in atlases-determinants of plants and fungi.



Hardcover, full-color edition

Circulation 500

Year 2022

288 pages

ISBN 978–5–6044660–8–7


From the author . . . . . 3
Introduction. . . . . 4
Plant communities . . . 7
Ferns. . . . . . 12
Oppressive. . . . . . . 14
Coniferous. . . . . . 16
Beech trees. . . . . . . 22
Birch trees. . . . . 24
Mulberry. . . . . . . 26
Nettles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Kirkazonovye. . . . . 30
Nictagine . . . . . 32
Aizovye. . . . . . 33
Carnations. . . . . . 34
Buttercup. . . . . . 38
Barberry trees. . . . . 46
Laurels. . . . . . 48
Capers. . . . . 48
Poppy seeds. . . . . . . 50
Cruciferous. . . . . . 56
Mignonette. . . . . 62
Tamarisk. . . . . 64
Tolstyankovye. . . . . . 66
Sycamore trees. . . . . 68
Rosaceae. . . . . 70
Legumes. . . . . 76
Sour. . . . . . 98
Geranium. . . . . . 100
Twin-leaved. . . . . 102
Rutovye. . . . . . . 106
Meliaceae. . . . . . 110
Euphorbiaceae. . . . . 112
Anacardiac. . . . . 114
Maple trees. . . . . 118
Incense. . . . . 120
Buckthorn. . . . . . 123
Malvovye. . . . . . 124
Pomegranate. . . . . . 127
Myrtle trees. . . . . . 128
Umbrella. . . . . 132
Heather. . . . . . 138
Primroses. . . . . 140
Styrax. . . . . . 144
Olives. . . . . . 146
Kutrovye. . . . . . 148
Bignonium. . . . . 151
Convolvulus. . . . . . 152
Borage. . . . 154
Verbena. . . . . . 161
Lip – colored . . . . 164
Solanaceae. . . . . 180
Norichnikovye. . . . . 186
Acanthus. . . . . . 192
Madder. . . . . . 196
Honeysuckle. . . . . 198
Valerian. . . . . 200
Pumpkin. . . . . 202
Bell-shaped. . . . 204
Compound colors. . . . . 208
Cereals (bluegrass). . . . 227
Aroid. . . . . . 232
Asphodel. . . . . . 236
Lilac. . . . . . 238
Hyacinth. . . . . . 243
Asparagus. . . . . . 250
Smilax. . . . . . 252
Dioscorrheic. . . . . 253
Amaryllis. . . . . 254
Orchids. . . . . . 266

Used literature . . 279
List of plants . . . . 280
List of plant genera . . . 285