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Hallucinogenic mushrooms of Russia. Atlas-reference


The handbook describes more than 30 types of hallucinogenic (entheogenic) mushrooms in Russia.
For each species, information is provided that facilitates its recognition in nature (including photos of the most important distinguishing features, comparison with similar types of fungi, etc.), the seasonality of fruiting, preferred habitats, area in Russia, active substances and type of entheogenicity, existing options for ritual or recreational use, legal status.



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The reference book describes more than 30 types of hallucinogenic (entheogenic) mushrooms of Russia.For each species, information is provided that facilitates its recognition in nature (including photos of the most important distinguishing features, comparison with similar types of fungi, etc.), the seasonality of fruiting, preferred habitats, area in Russia, active substances and type of entheogenicity, existing options for ritual or recreational use, legal status.

The handbook is informative and practical in nature and is intended for amateur mushroom pickers, naturalists, mycologists, narcological and toxicological medical workers, psychologists, criminologists and drug control workers.
In the second edition, some inaccuracies have been corrected, illustrations have been added to facilitate the identification of fungi of the described group in nature and one new species (Psilocybe pelliculosa) has been reliably identified for the Russian Federation.


9 From the author
11 Preface
24 Mycoatropin syndrome
29 Panther syndrome
32 Bufotenin syndrome
34 Psilocybin syndrome
42 Pyron syndrome
44 Indolamine syndrome
45 Ergotic syndrome
50 Collection, purchase, storage
54 Cultivation
62 Have grown themselves
65 Bondarzewia filmata (Bondarzewia mesenterica)
69 Green fiber (Inocybe corydalina)
73 Blue-green fiber (Inocybe aeruginascens)
79 Gymnopilus Juno (Gymnopilus junonius)
85 White raincoat (Lycoperdon marginatum)
91 Conocybe velvety-legged (Conocybe velutipes)
95 Meripilus giganteus (Meripilus giganteus)
99 Mycena cyanorrhiza (Mycena cyanorrhiza)
103 Royal fly agaric (Amanita regalis)
107 Red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)
119 Panther fly agaric (Amanita pantherina)
125 Toadstool fly agaric (Amanita citrina)
129 Porphyry fly agaric (Amanita porphyria)
133 Fly agaric bright yellow (Amanita gemmata)
137 Panaeolus bordered (Panaeolus cinctulus)
143 Panaeolus manure (Panaeolus fimicola)
147 Panaeolus bluish (Panaeolus cyanescens)
151 American Pluteus (Pluteus americanus)
155 Willow Pluteus (Pluteus salicinus)
159 Blue-footed pluteus (Pluteus cyanopus)
163 Psilocybe copious (Psilocybe medullosa)
169 Psilocybe fringed (Psilocybe fimetaria)
173 Psilocybe filmy (Psilocybe pelliculosa)
179 Psilocybe semi-lanceolate (Psilocybe semilanceata)

195 Psilocybe straight-legged (Psilocybe strictipes)
199 Purple ergot (Claviceps purpurea)
209 Blue-green Stropharia (Stropharia aeruginosa)
213 Stropharia crowned (Stropharia coronilla)
217 Phaeolus schweinitzii (Phaeolus schweinitzii)
221 Blue-legged Pholiotina (Pholiotina cyanopus)
227 Scaly scaly (Pholiota squarrosa)
231 Alphabetical index of Latin names of mushrooms