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FungiDog “Comfortable old age” • 100 g

Vendor: f789ebc6b7aa Categories: Mushroom veterinary medicine


All of us are not getting younger. Someday our pets will grow old too… To prolong the joy of staying with them and make it easy and painless, we have developed a mixture of “Comfortable old Age”. The collection is designed in such a way as to support all the functions of the body in old age. Cardiovascular diseases, problems with brain activity and gastrointestinal tract, reduced immunity, deterioration of joints and muscles — all this will be gently and carefully brought to a comfortable level by our author’s composition, including mushrooms, lichens, plants and the membrane of a chicken egg.


Cordyceps will charge the body with energy
Crested hedgehog and ginkgo will support brain activity and the work of the nervous system as a whole
All mushrooms in the collection will have immunomodulatory and preventive anti-cancer effects, provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
Reishi and cetraria will help to restore the pet’s body as soon as possible after serious illnesses or surgeries, ensure comfortable operation of the respiratory system
Reishi and lamb mushroom will normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, have a detoxifying effect and ensure the hormonal balance of the body
Mushroom ram will regulate excess weight and take care of the liver
Cetraria will give a general restorative effect
The membrane of a chicken egg will enrich the joints with hyaluronic acid and collagen and provide them with support, recovery and protection from inflammation

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) powder of fruit bodies
Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris) powder of fruit bodies
Crested hedgehog (Hericium erinaceum) powder of fruit bodies
Ram mushroom (Grifola frondosa) powder of fruit bodies
Flammulina (Flammulina velutipes) powder of fruit bodies
Trametes multicolored (Trametes versicolor) powder of fruit bodies
Cetraria icelandica (Cetraria islandica) powder layers
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba) crushed leaves
Chicken egg membrane (inner lining film)

For the preparation of activated (frozen) fine powder, chaga sclerotia and fruit bodies of birch sponge, reishi, cordyceps, combed hedgehog, ram mushroom, multicolored trametes and flammulins collected in various regions of Russia (mushrooms are dried at a temperature of 30-35 ° C), cetraria layers, ginkgo leaves and chicken egg membrane powder were used. The drug contains a full range of components: polysaccharides, ergosterol, triterpenoids, melanins, as well as enveloping, restoring cartilage, bone and muscle tissue and other bioactive substances that provide maximum support for most functions of the pet’s body in old age and a stable therapeutic effect.

В банке содержится 100 грамм смеси.

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Смесь полностью готова к употреблению и не требует дополнительной обработки. В зависимости от привычек питомца смесь можно предлагать как есть, или смешав с жидкой, полужидкой или влажной пищей (суп, бульон, каша, консервы, увлажненный сухой корм и т. п.).