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Yellow chanterelle • 60 capsules

Vendor: a86803283142 Categories: Preparations in capsules


Chanterelle is not only the well—known getting rid of helminths and the prevention and treatment of eye diseases. With proper preparation, regularly consumed chanterelle is also the support and restoration of the liver, nutrition and skin rejuvenation and prevention of the appearance of dermatitis, fungal diseases and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract.

  • Anthelmintic action without side effects
  • Vision improvement and prevention of many eye diseases
  • Liver recovery, liver diseases (hepatitis, hemangiomas, fatty degeneration)
  • Moisturizing and rejuvenation of the skin, increasing resistance to fungal diseases

Yellow chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) powder of fruit bodies

For the preparation of activated (frozen) fine powder, the fruit bodies of the yellow chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) collected in various regions of the European part of Russia were used. Mushrooms are dried at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, which ensures complete preservation of pharmacological qualities. Drying is carried out in two stages, and after the first, the mushrooms are frozen to achieve maximum health effect. The drug contains a full range of components: polysaccharides, ergosterol, triterpenoids, melanins and other bioactive substances that provide maximum support for most body functions and a sustained therapeutic effect.

The course consists of 60 capsules of 0.37 g of fine powder in each (the total weight of the capsule is 0.47 g). The course is designed for one month, capsules should be taken two a day at any time. The course can be carried out for life as a therapeutic or preventive. The contents of the capsules can be poured out and mixed with any dish or drink. For a pronounced anthelmintic effect, the intensity of the course can be increased by taking three to four capsules a day. A break between courses is not required. It does not conflict with other mushrooms and medicines.
If you have a current medical condition, are taking medication, are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a healthcare professional or a fungotherapist before using this product.


Pharmacological and medical properties

Chanterelle strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to colds, raises the tone, helps with dermatitis, has bactericidal and antiviral properties and anti-cancer action. Chanterelle is rich in unique compounds that have a beneficial effect on the human body in liver diseases, obesity and hepatitis. The fruit bodies of chanterelles contain vitamins A, C, D, D2, B1, B2, B3, PP, trace elements (zinc, copper), essential acids, antioxidant carotenoids (beta-carotene, canthaxanthin). For example, there is more vitamin C in chanterelles as a percentage than in oranges. Vitamin A improves vision, prevents eye inflammation, reduces dryness of mucous membranes and skin. The constant use of chanterelles in food can prevent visual disturbances, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, hemeralopia (chicken blindness). Chinese experts recommend the inclusion of chanterelles in the diet of constantly working at the computer.Another active substance of chanterelles is ergosterol (K-10), which effectively affects liver enzymes. Therefore, chanterelles are useful for liver diseases such as hepatitis, fatty degeneration, hemangiomas. Recent studies have shown that the polysaccharide trametonolinic acid present in chanterelles successfully affects hepatitis viruses. Alcoholic infusions of fruit bodies inhibit the growth of cancer cells.Chanterelles are also valuable mushrooms thanks to the monosaccharide D-mannose (chitinmannose). Chitinmannose is a natural anthelmintic, so chanterelle helps to easily get rid of any worm infestations. This polysaccharide is able to break through the outer cover of the worm, penetrate the nerve ganglion and cause blocking of its nervous system. And the disturbed work of the worm’s nervous system leads to the death of the parasite. D-mannose works against helminths that infect animal and human organisms. The effect of D-mannose extends to the eggs and cysts of worms. After all, helminths, being in the body of a person or an animal, constantly lay a huge number of eggs — this is their way of survival. Even if an adult dies, dozens of others will take its place after a while. In this case, the outer shell of the egg or cyst, being subject to dissolution by D-mannose, loses its protective function, which always leads to the death of eggs. It is especially important that the surrounding healthy tissues do not suffer from this death, because standard anthelmintic therapy is carried out with sufficiently toxic drugs that have a large number of side effects and often negatively affects the body. Having no serious side effects, chanterelle extracts compare favorably with conventional antiparasitic therapy. In addition to D-mannose, there are other polysaccharides in chanterelle vulgaris — β-glucans, which trigger a specific antiparasitic defense mechanism in the body. It consists in the activation of specific leukocytes — eosinophils, which are able to destroy both small parasites and even large worms. Eosinophils have a substance (protein) known as MBP (from eng. Major Basic Protein), contained in eosinophil granules. After activation, the eosinophils begin their attack, releasing MBP near the helminth and damaging the external membrane of the parasite, literally “piercing” it. Anthelmintic preparations from chanterelles are especially effective in enterobiosis, teniosis, trichocephalosis, ascariasis, opisthorchiasis, clonorhosis, schistosomiasis and giardiasis.
Earlier it was read that the chanterelle is able to remove radionuclides from the body, but now it has been established that this is not the case. On the contrary, chanterelle is capable of accumulating and containing radionuclides, especially caesium-137.
The vitamins contained in chanterelles (primarily vitamin A), melanins, polysaccharides and antioxidants contribute to a significant improvement in the quality of the skin, its rejuvenation. Regular (weekly) use of chanterelles as preparations, soups or second courses leads to skin alignment, softening, eliminates peeling and roughness. Chanterelles work very well in combination with masks or infusion of white mushroom. The effect on the skin of such a natural complex leads to the best results. Home-made creams based on water extract from dry chanterelle powder contribute to the preservation of acid-base balance, prevent dry skin, tone the young epidermis, increase the skin’s resistance to fungal diseases. Another property of chanterelle is an effective fight against dermatitis (both common, i.e. contact and allergenic, and neurogenic) and furunculosis.

Traditional and folk medicine

In folk medicine, alcohol tincture is used against helminths. In China, fresh chanterelles are prescribed for night blindness, ophthalmia (eye inflammation), dry skin and respiratory tract infections. In Latvia, extracts from fresh or dried chanterelles are used for tonsillitis, furunculosis, abscesses and tuberculosis.