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Amanita Muscaria(fly agaric) microdosing RedMicro 60 and 1 capsule


Amanita Muscaria(fly agaric) microdosing Red Micro™ contains all the healing power of red fly agaric. It has not only a psychotherapeutic, but also a general beneficial physiological effect.
ATTENTION! A large number of fakes appeared. You can order a certified drug only on our website and on the websites of our partners.
Author’s development by Mikhail Vishnevsky (TU 10.89.19-001-115462384-2019 ).


Indications in physiological terms:

  • general physiological tonic that adjusts the work of all body systems
  • relief of muscle and joint pain, including long-standing
  • normalization of sleep, improvement of working capacity
  • relief of fatigue syndrome, adaptogenic effect
  • prevention of viral and bacterial diseases
  • reduction and disappearance of allergies
  • effective fight against papillomas
  • support during intensive training and during competitions
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, elimination of toxins
  • increased libido in men and women

Indications in the psychotherapeutic plan:

  • removal of depression (especially seasonal), exit from borderline psychological states
  • the disappearance of the “internal dialogue”
  • increased self-confidence, overall positivity, ease of communication
  • creativity, successful solution of difficult tasks and old problems
  • nootropic effect
  • reducing cravings for smoking and alcohol and getting rid of these habits
  • mild rejection of psychotropic drugs and their replacement

Red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) powder of mature hats

For the preparation of activated (frozen and treated with ultrasound) fine powder, wild fruit bodies of red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) collected in the Altai Territory, Kaluga, Ryazan and Tomsk regions and in the Republic of Mari-El were used. Fractional drying of mushrooms is carried out at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, which ensures the preservation of pharmacological qualities. The drug contains a full range of components: polysaccharides, glycoproteins, acaloids, ergosterol, triterpenoids, organic acids, vitamins, trace elements and other bioactive substances that provide a general physiological, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and psychotherapeutic effect of microdosing.

The monthly course of fly agaric microdosing includes 60 capsules of 0.35 g of powder in each (the total weight of the capsule is 0.45 g). Features of reception: 2 capsules per day (1 capsule in the morning, 1 capsule in the evening, 30 days). The course does not require breaks. If necessary, continuous use of microdosing for a long (two years or more) period is possible.
Attention! The package contains an additional 61st capsule (placed in a separate bag, located in a box, not in a jar); it should be consumed first. It is designed to identify possible individual hypersensitivity to the active substances of the fungus. This capsule contains 0.16 g of unprocessed dried red fly agaric with an average standard concentration of muscimol. If you feel nauseous and dizzy after taking it for 20-30 minutes, we recommend returning the unused course (an unopened jar in a box and with instructions) and getting the money back. At the same time, there is no danger to health, the dosage can be recalculated taking into account individual characteristics (for example, try taking one capsule a day or two days). In general, increasing the dosage is not recommended.
The absence of a pronounced effect throughout the course most likely means that you are healthy in all respects, and the fly agaric simply “has nothing to work with.”

Contraindications, side effects
In the recommended amounts, red fly agaric does not have a negative effect on the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular, nervous and other systems (while studies of the toxicological effect were carried out for much larger doses and did not reveal contraindications for daily use). In some cases, at the beginning of the reception, unpleasant or painful sensations may appear in various internal organs, which last from 2-3 days to two weeks. This is a normal phenomenon due to the harmonizing effect of microdosing; symptoms should be waited out until they disappear. Quite often there is increased gas formation (flatulence): this effect indicates the adjustment of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and takes place no more than three weeks after using microdosing. It is not recommended during pregnancy, breast-feeding, for children under 16 years of age.
Exceeding the recommended dosage can lead to temporary or permanent drowsiness, a feeling of “expansion of the head”, a significant excess — to apathy or mild entheogenic effects.
If you have a current medical condition or are taking medications, consult a healthcare professional or a fungotherapist before using this product.