At the beginning of 2021, we launched a line of mushroom-based veterinary fees for dogs of the brand FungiDog™. The line was developed by Mikhail Vishnevsky on the basis of his personal long-term practice and analysis of studies of the positive effect of mushrooms on the body of laboratory animals in various diseases and painful conditions over the past 40 years.
Mushroom preparations for pets (veterinary line of FungiDog™)

Surprisingly, there are still only a few manufacturers of fungotherapeutic drugs for dogs and cats in the world (and only one of them is not based on cultured mycelium, but on the basis of grown fruit bodies)! It is surprising because the statistics of the impact of bioactive substances of fungi on animal health are tens or even hundreds of times higher than those for humans. All laboratory tests, before switching to humans, begin on mice, rats, rabbits, dogs and other animals. World science knows perfectly well how and what works, and for some reason is in no hurry to apply this knowledge to our pets.
Meanwhile, every dog and every cat deserves a healthy and happy life! We love our pets and try to provide them with the best, and money is not a subject for discussion when it comes to proper nutrition, maintenance, vaccination, veterinary care, but … half of adult dogs today, according to statistics, will still get cancer. This is a very sad, but no less real statistic, and something needs to be done about it. Our team, like many modern researchers, believes that the replacement of chemicals, medicines, antibiotics and processed or freeze-dried food with natural preventive, medicinal and nutritional supplements and natural food will lead faster and more reliably to the formation of a healthy immune system of the pet, capable of repelling most threats. We believe that the way to a really healthy dog or cat is not to eliminate the symptoms of diseases with “combat chemistry”, but to form from a very young age and maintain throughout life – including in old age – health and an active immune system. A healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle and natural, natural preventive and medicinal substances (namely, this is how animals are treated in nature – herbs, mushrooms, minerals …) will help pet owners to give them excellent health. As a result of our own research and based on hundreds of scientific articles, we have created a small exclusive collection of high-quality natural mushroom-based products at an affordable price. These are products that we have tested and recommend.
Now a little more about what our veterinary line represents in general and fungotherapy fees for dogs in particular. So, only wild fruit bodies of medicinal mushrooms! No cultivated mycelium or even cultivated fruit bodies. We can afford it, because we massively harvest wild medicinal mushrooms for the “human” pharmacy, and we have no problems in allocating part of the harvested crop for veterinary medicine. It should be especially noted that we collect mushrooms only in ecologically favorable regions, and each batch of medicinal mushrooms undergoes full sanitary and laboratory control. Our mushrooms and products from them have Russian certificates “Ecostandart” and “Biostandart” and do not contain heavy metals, pesticides, mycelium, grains and other cultivation substrates, GMOs, fillers, impurities, starch, dyes, whatever E, do not contain anything at all except the mushrooms themselves (plants, products of animal origin).
Don’t be fooled: almost all mushroom products (including dietary supplements) for pets are cultured mycelium. Mycelium is not a full-fledged fungotherapeutic product under any circumstances. It is grown on grain, practically devoid of beta-glucans and antioxidants and cannot be considered a full-fledged natural supplement that actively affects the health of a pet. Mycelium will not strengthen the immune system, will not help in the fight against cancer, will not be able to improve the cognitive functions of a dog or cat, will not restore joints, will not gently fight obesity, will not make old age comfortable…
The uniqueness of our products lies in the fact that, if necessary, we make up a preventive matrix not only from mushrooms alone, but also add medicinal plants, and even – depending on the tasks being solved – we use natural animal components (for example, meat of the green-lipped New Zealand mussel or a film of edible chicken egg).
Medicinal mushrooms have been used for several millennia to fight various diseases, and (few people know about it!) the animal body is much more sensitive to them than the human body. Therefore, it is very important to correctly calculate the percentage of components and the total dosage, depending on the weight of the pet and (sometimes) its age. We fully own such a technique and will never offer, for example, red and panther fly agaric to your cats and dogs, as incompetent sellers do on many modern resources, we will not “shift” cordyceps, always dangerous in high quantities, we will not use medicinal plants useful to humans, but dangerous to animals.
Dogs and cats, like humans, lack the enzyme chitinase, which could break down the chitinous cell walls of fungi in order to extract all the useful substances from the fungal cells. We take over the work of the missing enzyme and prepare powdered mixtures so that at least 80% of the active substances become bioavailable to your pets.
For each drug, we provide a calculation table for daily intake. The instructions specify all special cases, preferences and use cases of the product.
We wish your pets a healthy and carefree life, and may our mushrooms help you achieve this goal!